Time for Change

In November of 2020 after a grueling few months I had a radicle notion (in truth I had been marinating on for a few years), I hung up my heels, traded in my American muscle car for a farm truck and pulled out some very dusty, old boots. It was time for us to make a significant life change, one that I hoped would bring fulfillment and help my son move into a more successful space in life. In August, I looked at my husband and said, “let’s move back to Virginia,” he responded with a simple “let’s go.” In less than two months we sold our house in Dallas, I sold my 3rd Pilates studio, Methodology, and we bought a farm in Virginia. Off we went to the countryside in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains to begin our new farm life. The forest is thick with lush plant life, vast wildlife and extraordinary views. Most mornings it sounds like an aviary at our home, not just when the ducklings and chicks where in my breakfast in the spring, but first thing in the morning through out the day and into the evening when the owls start chiming in.

I had a vision and was ready to get to work on the creative process (for the fourth time, serial entrepreneur here) of building a new business that would look very different from my others. My friend Chelsea who owns Pilates studios in upstate New York, always says she would like to work seasonally, well I decided I wanted to do the same. I set my sights on building a farm, using the already beautifully carved out space upstairs in the barn for a Pilates studio and retreat center, and focused on my traditional methods of cooking and gardening. The end goal is to have a sustainable, organic, biodiverse farm that is home to a retreat focused on farm, food, and Pilates. Pilates has been my career for the last 2 decades and I’ve loved every second of it. I feel as passionate about Pilates today as I ever have, and in the last few years I found ways of reducing stress by spending quality time cooking and gardening. A vision was building and Heirloom Springs was born.

We are thrilled for this new life adventure and I can’t wait to see what I build this time!


New Shoes